Title: The Day I Stood Up for Myself: A Tale of Schoolyard Courage and Consequences

Oh, what is the most unhinged thing you did as a child? Okay. So before I tell the story time, I need to give you guys context today. So growing up, I went to six different schools and five of these schools wasn’t Primary Iron 1,2 and 3,4 and 5,6 and 7. There very important information. And this was a mixture of private and public schools, right? So Adam 1 was a private school. 2 and 3, I was a private schools. But at the end of grade 30, I needed to switch schools. And the reason why was because the school was a preparatory school, and it ended in great city.

Now, come the following year, the year that I’m supposed to do Grade 4, I still haven’t found a school. It’s January. And the reason why I didn’t find a school wasn’t because of my Mark service, because I think growing up, I was always a year and a half year mother, my classmate. Therefore, I couldn’t find schools. Schools just didn’t wanna accept me because they were like now, so we’re not doing that 5 because I didn’t have a school. I had a family friend who was a teacher at a public school, and she decided, yeah, I’m gonna talk to the principal. And that’s how I was able to get accepted into that school.

Okay, so this was around 2,080 ish, 9 ish, I think. 2,009. I was in grade 5. So now the school, it was a public school, so obviously it was a bit of a academic culture shock for me. I had a hard time adjusting that school, but that’s fine.

Now, back then, corporal punishment was a thing. It was actually banned, but it still existed. Those still teachers that believed in corporal punishment. So this is way the fun tends that this is where the story comes in. So on this particular day, I think the whole class was just making noise. And honestly, I can’t remember much. But one thing I know is that I was a very quiet, introverted child. So the likelihood of me not following his directions was very small. So the teacher stepped out of the class when he came in, the whole class was speaking noise and he decided, order base. I like he’s gonna hit the entire class. I don’t know what possess me that day now, but I was like, no, say you’re not gonna do that. And he was like, hey, this is, I was like, I know perfect. I wasn’t making noise. So you’re not gonna hit me. The whole class was like, no, there’s no way you can’t hit. They say so because you’re hitting the whole class. So why aren’t you hitting her? Right? That teacher decided to hit me with his long things. Like I still remember how that thing look. So he hit me. You know what I did? I think it was the period before break. So I waited until break time then. And break time, I ran out of that school because, you know, public schools, obviously, there’s hawkers outside. So at break time, they open the gates. I left my backpack. I left everything. And I have been Iran whom I ran home. And if you’re from Mafia, then you know the distance between needed 2 and 8. It’s not that far.

I used to walk after school, so I ran home. I was crying. I was hysterical. I was wearing school uniform. I was a mess when I got home. Luckily, my mother was there. And guess what? But other CA, my cousin was there and he was a police officer and he was there with his. Please then. So obviously, I had to go back. Right, to go fetch my backpack. But my mom was very firing this day. She was like, you know what, my child, what they did was wrong. And I know you’re not making noise. So what we’re gonna do, we’re not gonna take my car. We’re gonna climb into this policeman. And my mom is also quiet, but that day she wasn’t playing games.

We drove to that school instead of driving to like the s, the office, the principals office, the staff room. No, we drove straight to the classrooms. We pack. Today, kids started coming out because. Why is there a random police fan in the middle of like our classes and whatever? I don’t know. And it was still break time. We ran and I think my mom, I think, I don’t, I can’t remember, but I think the teacher was there. The classroom, my mom went straight to like, I also went to show him like ads. This is the teacher. And my mom was like, why did you hit my cat? And the teacher was explaining, no, I was hated. โทรศัพท์ไปช่างซีน. She wasn’t making noise. So why did you hit my child? It was a whole thing, but it was obviously in a very nice tone, guys. We were not constant commotion.

But that day I was really anxious. I took my backpack, though, and we went home. And that teacher apologize the next day. I mean, he did apologize to my that, but the next day he apologize and say like, no, I’ll never hit you again. Yeah, he apologize and there’s one particular teacher who hated me from I mean, I know she already hated me, but it was 10 times worse because from there, like nobody else was allowed to touch me at that school. And that’s why I left. I had to go to another school because from there, check. Quick, quick, quick, quick. Oh, because I stood up for myself, by the way.