Title: Automating Project Management: A Dive into Operations, AI Bot Design, and Documentation using Minimal Code

So check this out. I’m working on out of the lot of the bot, which I started a few months ago. And I kind of been experimenting here and there with, but I wanted to illustrate to everybody just kind of like how my mind goes when I’m thinking of this economies of scale, just like how to economize on your operations. And so here’s one sort of for instance.

So I’m actually designing an auto, the Lato bot, where I came and started from all these kind of rough ideas and it kind of meshed and molded and developed into a final project management plan. And where I finally got my diagram down here to about the names of 20 project titles with deliverables in your links to of course, get me down to the final auto, the auto project.

So naturally, before I undertake each of these projects to get auto out the door as a final fully assembled product, which by the way, I’m gonna create a course on how to create your own AI bot business step by step.

I don’t care if auto fails or succeeds, but what I really want out of auto is something more educational for everybody to show you how you can get your own bot up and running off the ground, minimal code as possible, but at the same time something that leverages the principles of operations, project management, analytics, user experience, and user interface research, as well as a lot of other principles that go into an AI bot design. I wanna go through all of that.

However, as I’m going through it, really interestingly enough, I want to now create all these project specification files, which is a pretty common task that, you know, project managers face. And the problem, of course, is, well, I’m now gonna other, of course, unless I have a project manager software, I wanna try to start with free tools and ones that are not very complicated. So a lot of people will just start, you know, with like a folder system where they’ll, for example, people, they’ll just do, create me a new folder like Project Initiations and I’ll put like a whole bunch of just different folders in this main folder where each folder is the name of one of those 20 projects that I discussed. If I have this structure, then operationally on the information front, I can easily move these folders around and they’re all project specific. So whatever activity happens, you know, in my head with respect to auto, they have to be happening in the context of a project. Alright, this is what helps keep, of course, my thoughts organized, but it also helps keep the development of auto on pace, on track, on time to make sure I’m getting something out the door and not just having it stay in incubation mode in my head.

Alright, so as you know, I’m doing this, it’s like, okay, I want each project to have its own folder. And so naturally you would come here, new folder, and I’ll just say the first one, which was, you know, it was incubation set up, right? And then I’m gonna have to come to this folder and I’m gonna have to create a new word document and I’m gonna call that new word document the same thing. I’m gonna, you know, and whatever that is, you know, this is the point I like, I’m an ideas guy.

I don’t like these menial, perfunctory tasks that I can just have code do. Because I have to be honest with you, everything I just did by step in that little, you know, side screen can be automated using nothing more than a Google account. Okay, so if you have a Google account, you can go and set up a very similar setup to what I have here, which is just a main Google Drive. I like to number my folders cuz I’m a sequential thinker. I’m a process based thinker. And so I like to have a clear start and end here to help me really get my tasks done.

So coming to No. 1, which are projects, I wanna have a folder here with has the project initiations, the names of the projects and you know the documents that contain the specifications. That’s the ultimate goal, but I don’t wanna have to do that manually.

So what I’ve decided to do is instead create a file that’s just called projects to create. And I have this tapped up to my local drive so I can easily access it. And what I wanna do is open that. It’s just a simple text file and just put the names of the projects there. So literally going from these names, literally typing the names of these projects in, alright, literally typing them one by one in the notebook itself. So as you can see, something like incubation setup would be the first one, right? I felt that wrong. Whatever. I don’t care right now. Project ID and classification was the second one.

And I’ll just leave it at that. You sort of get the point. What I really wanna do is I wanna have this file and I want some code to basically take each line and where it corresponds to a box in my diagram I wrote out there. And I want to create a folder in a main folder like that. I’m working in that I’ll call Project Initiations. And each subfolder will contain the project folder where all the information pertaining to that project and its final deliverables will go.

You know, operationally, once a project folder is complete, I then move it over into a different operational setup folder structure that I have just to keep it organized in that manner. But for the time being, I wanted to take, have it take that. And I know there’s things spelled wrong. Okay, wrong. I’m just illustrating the procedure, okay, the process.

And now that’s in there, you can go to the Google Drive and check. And you’ll see that the two the two names of the projects there are thus they created. I now can go to this notebook that I created. Okay. And what this notebook does is, and I’ll just run all of it, it should theoretically speaking work. But what it will do is it will take the names of the projects that you just typed in there and it will create a series of folders in your projects. Called projects, project initiations and it’s gonna create a copy because I already have a folder called initiations unless I spelled it differently cuz it is case sensitive and I’m just gonna keep refreshing there. That was our manual one that we would have had to do by hand. And there’s another one. Okay, so it was actually project initiation, not initiations. And when you go there, what you’ll see are the two files that are created. And I prefer to do this on the Google Drive, actually. So here you’ll see project initiations, which is what we started with. That was our manual folder. That was I was starting at from frustrated with. And then you’ll see the automated one, which is clean. It did auto replacement of the titles with underscores and everything. So it stays kosher.

And then on top of that, look at what it creates a word document where if you open that bad boy up, ready for it? Wait, it’s coming. Boom. Look at that. Alright, and that’s just not the only info I can do there. I can template some of this stuff out as well. So I don’t have to waste so much time writing up product specs. But here’s the thing, when you keep track of your progress through extreme documentation, we have these things called bots that learn from documentation. I’m just saying if you’re keeping track of designing your own bot from start to end with a lot of documentation, it’s not out of the realm of possibility to take that information, train a different bot, how to make a bot, to then make other bots.