So what are the best penny stocks to buy on May 14th,2024? Well, number one recommendation is Cheetah Net Supply Chain Services, stock symbol C, t, N C. It is up today 259% or three dollars and eight cents, trading at four dollars and twenty five cents. Since this morning it already traded 20 million shares. Market cap for the company is roughly $50 million.
So not sure what this company does, but nobody was paying attention to the stock for the last six months. It was not really trading because, you know, the trading volume basically was maybe a few hundred shares a day and suddenly it shut all the way to 20 million. So can’t tell you anything about the company because it was just basically hovering around dollar forty for the last six months, going up and down just a little bit, and suddenly it went from dollar forty to $4. So it’s up to you to check out this company, see what’s up there and decide for yourself if you are not too late for the party and put some money into it. So Chita Net Supply Chain Services, stock symbol C t and t only four dollars and twenty cents a share. Next one is Faraday Future Intelligent Electric, stock symbol F, F, I. E. It is up to date 116% or ¢7, trading at ¢13 a share. Since this morning, it already traded. 400. 1 million shares. I kid you not. And the market cap for the company is roughly $5 million.
So something was happening with that company. I would say in the last, I would say like three days, suddenly the stock that was barely trading started to pull some serious numbers, like hundreds of millions of shares. So yesterday it was, it trade about 300 million. A day before it was about 100 million. So the stock is cheap. Only like, you know, 1050, I’m 10,13 cents. But still the number of shares being trade is staggering, meaning that it attracts a lot of attention from the market. So I guess it’s, oh, it’s, I mean, I don’t know what it does, but it deals with some electric stuff or whatever. So if I were you, I would definitely check out the stock, see what’s driving it and possibly put some money into it. So Faraday Future Intelligent Electric, stock symbol F I. E, only 13 cents a share.
Next one is, oh yeah, AMC Entertainment Holdings. It is up 81% or four dollars and twenty two cents trading at nine dollars and ¢41 a share. Since this morning, it’s already traded 280 million shares. Market cap for the company is roughly $5 billion.
So I’m not sure if you know what’s happening, but if you saw the movie, I guess, mad money or something like that, or I forget that, but basically it’s about a dude who was pushing GameStop stock.
So today, I mean, today, yesterday, he posted his first post on Twitter after three years of silence. And oh, it’s called dumb money or something like that, right? So, and that he started to drive this mem stocks, as you call them, through the roof. So AMC is one of those stocks. It’s basically a movie theater chain. And, but the main thing is that AMC was not stupid. What happened is that they actually sold like quarter of a billion of their own stock to the public and raised basically lots of money to, you know, maintain the operation of the movie theaters. I cannot say that movie theater businesses like a booming your business or whatever, but you know, it’s nice to have 250 million your bank account to, you know, finance your operations or maybe expansions. So it’s up to you if you wanna rip some more money into this thing. But AMC Entertainment Holdings, stock symbol AMC, it’s 9,040 cents right now. So if you think this thing continues, we’ll continue to go up, you know, jump in. But it’s gonna be a risky game. Maybe for a quick in and out, it’s okay. But long term holdings, I just cannot see AMC growing the business like from, you know, right now it was trading basically a couple of days ago at $3. Now it’s like $9. So I can’t see the business growing that much. So not 300%. So, well, it’s up to you, but AMC is a, could be in our quick money maker.
So next one is Sunpower Corporation, stock symbol s P, W R. It is up to date 68% or dollar 89 trading app. Four dollars and sixty four cents since this morning, it already traded 61 million shares. Market cap for the company is roughly $1 billion.
So I’m not sure what’s up with this company. I think they, I guess maybe they deal with solar panels, but they used to trade around $6, basically, then collapsed to like dollar fifty. And then starting from April 24th all the way to now, it they start to build pretty bullish trend. And I would say that it was rising like majorly in the last couple of days when it went from, you know, basically kind of like $2 to $3 to $4. Now they’re pushing almost $5 a share. So I guess you should just check it out, see what’s driving it and maybe put some money into it.
So, but again, the name of the company is San Power Corporation, stock symbol s B, W, R. Four dollars and seventy six cents a share. Next one is Micro Cloud Hologram. So it is up to date 68% or dollar thirty six trading at three dollars and thirty six cents a share. Since this morning, it already traded 67 million shares. Market cap for the company is roughly $22 million. So the stock basically was not really trading since in the last six months. It was kind of like hovering around like around $1 basically. However, I report about this company back in February 12th. That’s when, listen, it had like a huge spike when it went from a dollar to, listen to this, to 70. Dow 7:00,$70 a share. Okay. It went like I’m 70 times. I don’t know what kind of crazy news they released back then, but it was just something huge. The only problem is it didn’t last long. So it went from dollar to 70 dollars and then back to like 3,4 dollars and kind of like it was a huge spike that only lasted for like maybe at the day and then it quickly collapsed. So something is building up, though, right now with that stock. So if I were you, I would definitely check out what they do and put some money into it because the word micro cloud hologram kind of sounds intriguing. Not sure what they do, but maybe it’s some amazing technology. So.