So what club am I here with today? ISA Indian Student Association. And you’re here with volleyball club. Here with Neil Souls, University of the Pacific’s music group. We’re here with key Los Angeles Filipino. And why should students join you? We’re trying to spread the vast diversity of India’s culture and we just want to bring the community together. It’s volleyball and it’s fun. Any experience is welcome, so come and join us. I think we offer a lot of diversity, a lot of fun times. Just dance together with being all types of people from different fields together, and it’s just like an amazing time, cause we’re dope. We’re about promoting the Stockton community and promoting Filipino culture. A very inclusive club. We have people from, you know, all different cultural backgrounds. Yeah, just come for the vibes and come for the. For the vibes, you know? So, yeah. Hey, cool. Thank you.