Exploring the Exciting Updates in Adobe Firefly Version 3: A Dive into Photorealistic Quality and Visual Intensity Control

Hey guys, this is Brian Sykes with AI Explore and the AI Lab. Adobe has released a number of really cool updates for multiple pieces of their platform. And I wanted to kind of show you like what is new inside of Adobe. So have you seen what’s new in Adobe? Let’s start with Adobe Firefly. Okay, so Adobe Firefly has just released No. 3. Firefly 3 brings advancements in more photorealistic quality and greater user control, meaning you’ll see better lighting, positioning, attention to detail, advancements to text display and more. I just want to show you really quickly what this actually looks like. Okay, so first is the photorealistic quality. You may have been able to see where you can take Adobe Firefly and upload a sketch reference and be able to convert that into a photorealistic or a painting style image. And here’s an example. So the top image is a quick rough sketch of a watch, and below is a render that was created with Adobe Firefly version 3. All right, next is with greater user control, there is what’s called a styles adjustment. Now with this, we can adjust the visual intensity of an image. So you’ll notice what it says here is adjust the overall intensity of your photo’s existing visual characteristics. I’ve got a simple prompt. A cat sitting by a glass door, looking outside of the door, sitting on the porch is a raccoon looking back at the cat. Both animals are very interested in one another. Now, how well it manages this, this is, I call it simple, but it’s actually kind of complicated. What I’m trying to get it to do is put an animal on both sides of a door, a glass door at that, looking at each other. Now, the interpretation of that and where, who goes where, you can see that Firefly isn’t perfect at it, but this is kind of a great test to see how well it can understand more complex conversations. So with this one, we’ve got a heavy visual style that’s being applied. And so the visual intensity is very heavy. Here’s a couple of those renders zoomed up, and you can see some really interesting things happening here. Okay, now we’re gonna take the visual intensity to the midpoint or 50%. This is the default setting. And you can see the rim renders that have been created by Adobe Firefly. And let’s look at a couple of those up close. Again, we’re able to see what the, with the visual intensity set to 50%, what that does for the image. And finally, we’re gonna look at a low visual intensity. And this we’re seeing the idea of what this looks like with the images. And so here are a couple of those images picked up the ones I thought it did the best job. So we’ve looked at actually two different things. One is the visual quality that’s improved as we go from a reference to sketch image to a photo quality render. And then also looking at the influence of visual intensity of styles. Okay, I want to help make this make a little more sense. So if you’ve never played with Adobe Firefly, here’s your basic setup.

So we’re inside a Firefly right now. It is a browser accessed application. And inside of here, you’ll see that I’ve already selected Firefly Image 3. This is the latest and greatest. And underneath are all the different options that we can use to manipulate our image settings. Okay, so content type, we can choose whether we want it to be art or we want it to be photographed. So I’m gonna leave it a photo and I’m gonna leave it under auto mode. Okay, so right now my prompt says a cute, fluffy domestic cat sitting by a window in a house looking outside, reflection in the window. This image here is not my image. This is one that Firefly is including just as you open up the application. So this is kind of what you would see when you first jumped in. Next, underneath here, you’re going to see what’s called structure.

Now with structure, we can bring in an outside image and have it applied to what we’re trying to create. Okay, so when you saw my watch, that was translated into a photorealistic image from a sketch. Well, I was able to do that by bringing in a reference image, and that’s done right here, where you’d simply choose to upload an image and you can drop it in place.

Next is going to be styles. Okay, styles are things that you can apply to your image that basically affects the styling of the image and then how it looks. Okay, so refining that, the heavier the styling is, the more influence the style is going to have on the output of the image. This might make it make a little more sense as far as what we’re doing when we’re applying the different weights of style. So visual intensity right now is set to in the middle as the default setting. We can increase that and we can also increase the strength of the visual intensity applied to our image.

Now, inside of here, you’ll see that there’s a lot of different things we can do. First is we can actually bring up a reference image. So if you have a look that you’re after and you’re excited about, you can apply that look to your image. And you see that there is actually a gallery that we can work with of other images. And inside of here you’ve got everything from art styles, landscapes, different types of photo studio images, color and lighting, geometric, all of these things. You can select from those things. And as you make a selection, the selection shows up in your prompt below. So let me scroll up here just a second, where it says dramatic lighting. Here’s a person sitting in the light and shadows. If I click on that, you’ll notice that now it says style reference. And this has been added to my prompt. So you’re able to kind of get an idea of this is the visual. It’s gonna use this in the prompt that I’m creating.

Okay, I’m gonna go back to what I had before. You can apply multiple things to this. So when you’re telling it the styles, visual intensity, you’re now saying the style references that I put inside of this prompt is going to affect how much is applied to the rendered result. Okay, so we’ve looked under reference, there’s also effects. So underneath here, there’s all, and then popular movement themes, techniques, effects, materials, and concepts, all gives you everything, but you’ll see all these other options. It basically gives you a summarized collection of the ones that are considered favorites.

So underneath popular, there’s Boca effect, there’s digital art, and hyper realistic. So what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna choose all, I’m gonna go through and grab a few of these that I think would be really interesting. So maximalism, that’s kind of nice. I’m going to go for me, scroll on down through here. I don’t want digital art cuz I want it to be more photorealistic. And you see that there’s quite a collection of things that you can work with. All right, these are really nice.

I’m kind of happy with what I’ve got. I don’t know that I need to add anything else. And that’s gonna be all the different styles inside of this folder or inside of that collection of things applied to my render. So I’m gonna leave it just like this and say try prompt. Now it’s gonna process what I’ve requested of it. And it’s using the 50% setting, which was the default. And we can kind of get an idea of what it’s gonna create. There we go. So at 50%, we’re seeing the effect. These styles applied to my image.

Now let’s go ahead and bump it up a little bit. We can look at the details here. These are quite nice images. I really like the little bit of lighting that’s happening here with this image. Okay, so really of those, this is the only one that actually got the reflection in the window. This one got a little bit of light value that’s happening. And now I’m gonna change the effect here. So visual intensity, I’m gonna go ahead and bump that all the way up.

Now, this is what’s nice with this one is you’re no longer stuck with zero, 50 and 100. You can actually go in between. Want to take it all the way up, and I’m going to tell it to generate.

Now this should have the strongest effect of those styles being applied to my rendered result. And there we go. Right? Those are nice. I found some of these. You get really photorealistic images. And then this one here kind of has almost a cartoony, a Pixar styled creation. So with that, because it’s applying a heavier visual intensity, it could be pulling from the effects that’s were applied. In this case, I have maximalism. That could have been the element that’s actually creating that look.

Now we can also take visual intensity all the way down, and we can run that. And here we go. This was with the intensity turned all the way down. So we’re basically getting the prompt. I’m actually getting more accurate results. I’ve actually got a cat with a reflection in this window. Cat with a reflection here. So two of these actually got the result that I’m looking for. So playing with the visual intensity can give you a more fine tuned effect that you’re after. So this is basically Firefly 3 and some of the updates has been applied. Hope you enjoy it.